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Spring Clean


This is a "deep clean" occasional maid service package. It includes wet-wiping all ceiling fans, window sills, blinds, baseboards, tables & chairs, light fixtures, doors, kitchen & bathroom cabinets, fixtures and appliances (exterior only) and picture frames. We also scrub the refrigerator's seals, hinges, and vent (full interior cleaning is at an extra charge), remove the hard baked on mess on the inside of your oven window (interior oven cleaning is at an extra charge), and degrease the inside of the range hood.

*A home that has not had a thorough Spring Cleaning in the past 6 months will need a Spring Cleaning before starting any regular service. 

For example, a dirty baseboard or other surface that is simply "dusted" may still appear dirty or dingy until it is wet-wiped to remove the set in dirt.

We highly recommend you purchase a Spring Cleaning for your first maid service visit. 


Deluxe Clean


This is our "total home" recurring maid service package. Deluxe Service is available weekly, bi-weekly (every two weeks), and monthly. We clean ALL rooms in your home including the kitchen and bathrooms (exterior of appliences, fixtures, cabinets, and drawer faces.). All floors are vacuumed or damp mopped and in all rooms we dust baseboards, blinds, furniture, picture frames, and more. The Deluxe service will help maintain your home's cleanliness between Spring Cleanings.

Core Clean (Basic)


This is a popular option to our Deluxe maintenance plan. This maintenance plan focuses on the CORE and often hardest rooms to clean. We clean the kitchen and all bathrooms in the same way as the Deluxe Cleaning, along with 1 additional room of your choice. The additional room is typically the family room or master bedroom. In addition, we vacuum and mop the floors throughout the entire home.

Move In/Out Cleaning


This is a "deep clean" for homes that are empty due to home owners/renters moving out of a home or just before they move in. It is similar to a Spring Clean except we also clean the inside of kitchen and bathroom cabinets as well as inside the drawers. We also clean out the inside of refrigerators and dishwashers.

Party Cleaning


This is a simple clean that can be done before or after your big event. Typically consists of trash removal and your own cleaning needs.


Blocks of Time are suggested for this cleaning.

Additional Services

Blocks of Time


Some customers have unique cleaning needs that don't require our full list of cleaning tasks. For these customers, "Blocks of Time" are a perfect solution. You can hire our maid(s) at a rate of $25 per maid, per hour at a $50 minimum.

Laundry Service - $10 per load.


This service is only available with a maid service.

One load includes folding the clothes in the dryer, moving the wet clothes from the washing machine into the dryer, putting a load into the washing machine and starting the wash cycle. A complete cycle takes approximately 2 hours (wash, dry, and fold), which limits us to 2 loads per visit.

Maids are in a home an average of 4 hours, depending on the size of the home.Most customers leave a load in the dryer for folding when the maid arrives. We can fold the clothes and leave them in the basket or place shirts on hangers. We typically do not put clothes away.

$15 per load without a cleaning service.



Bed Linens Changed - $3 per bed.


If you want your bed linens changed, this service will strip the bed, including pillow cases, put fresh linens on your bed and palce the dirty linens in the laundry room.

Our Deluxe & Spring Cleaning Service includes making all beds.



Refrigerator (Inside) Cleaned - $20 per Refrigerator.


Let one of our maids detail clean the inside of your refrigerator. We will remove all of the items from the inside the fridge (freezer excluded) before we start our deep clean. We will remove all drawers so they can be completely hand washed and so we can reach all of the nooks and crannies of your refrigerator.


Doing the Dishes - $0.57 cents a minute.


Typical customer charge is $10-$15.

Our standard service includes putting any dishes in the dishwasher if there is room and the dishes in the dishwasher are dirty.

This additional service goes beyond our standard.

We charge by the minute because doing the dishes can vary based on how much we encounter and what you want us to do. A typical service includes emptying the dishwasher and putting the dishes away and loading the dishwasher with dirty dishes.

We will hand washany plates before putting them into the dishwasher.

We are not responsible for any broken dishes. 

This is only available with a cleaning service. 



Inside Oven - $20 per standard sized oven.


Let one of our maids detail clean the inside of your oven. We will remove all of the racks from the inside of the oven aswell as the broiler drip pan before it is cleaned.


Windows (Interior Only) - 3.50 per standard window


We will clean the inside of your windows as long as we can reach them with a step ladder.


Windows (Interior and Exterior) $6 per window


If windows open inward, we will clean both sides as long as we can reach them with a step ladder.


Sliding Glass Doors (Interior and Exterior) - $10


Ceiling Fan/Hanging Light Fixtures - $5


Porches/Arizona Room - $10-$30 depending on size.


We will clean it like a normal room including sweeping or vacuuming.


Garages - $15 one/two car garage,

$20 three car garage, $25 four car garage.


We will high dust to remove cobwebs, dust, and wet wipe blinds and window sills, dust the baseboard and then sweep the floors.


Grout Cleaning - $0.75 per square foot.


We spot clean tile grout lines as a normal part of our service when we mop floors, however if a large area, most, or all of your grout is dirty you may need to purchase our Grout Cleaning service.

















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